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Tuesday, June 5, 2001

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ipsum ipsum, pellentesque id mollis nec, gravida venenatis magna. Ut a nunc vitae nibh interdum consectetur a ut enim. Nullam ultrices nunc orci, in consequat neque dignissim ac. Mauris interdum tortor nec ipsum iaculis rhoncus. Sed tincidunt erat vitae est bibendum, eu condimentum risus convallis. Donec auctor magna luctus cursus aliquet. Proin a quam varius, tincidunt libero ut, blandit ipsum. Aenean tincidunt nunc ac ante faucibus sollicitudin. Praesent at mi non ligula imperdiet egestas. Vestibulum eu mauris ante. Maecenas augue libero, posuere at vestibulum nec, malesuada vel orci.

Friday, June 1, 2001


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean et malesuada mauris. Proin nibh orci, sollicitudin in faucibus eu, ornare vitae est. Proin ut luctus felis, sit amet gravida mi. Suspendisse semper orci nec placerat euismod. Nunc cursus posuere luctus. Morbi at laoreet eros. Phasellus quis sapien bibendum, luctus lacus ut, gravida risus. Cras id porta leo.

Thursday, May 10, 2001
💓 My Love, My love and My Love 💖

Hola, mi nombre es Maria. (Bet you were impressed for a second there. That's all the Spanish I know.) I'm an Indonesian living in Canada. I love colors. And light, for without light there will be no photograph. Photoshop goes hand in hand with photography. So I had to learn it a little bit. I taught myself web building/design long ago, I used HTML code. I don't know any other way/programs, way too hard, and no time to learn, but I can look behind the design and change the codes and move it around to mess with you. 😁

I moved to Canada from Indonesia in 2000, in 2001, I found Lampworking, I played with fire and for once I didn't get burned. 😁 Lampworking is a type of glass art, most people know what glass blowing is, it's like that, only with a small torch and teeny fire to create glass beads for jewelry making. I love making cute beads, mostly googly-eyed turtles and a cute one-eyed tri-legged aliens. There are some photos of them in my portfolio page.  I love arts and crafts because we can teach ourselves, in our own time, at our own pace. I'm not good under pressure or having deadlines.

Just like photography/photoshop, lampworking and beaded jewelry making kinda go hand in hand so I do make jewelry too, using lampwork beads (mine and other artist's), I sell my arts and crafts in my second Etsy shop, along with custom made face masks.


My Work Table

In 2009 I stumbled upon the art of Reborning, I blog about the doll process, mostly for myself, because this craft is one of the most challenging to learn, at least for me, but I found that I get better with time and practice, however, since the process is pretty tedious, keeping notes is good also it's interesting to look back and see my progress. And of course, anyone who is interested in this craft can hopefully learn from it. 😊

What else, Uhm.. Preferences. Eating over drinking, baking over cooking, crochet over knitting (hands down!) knitting is hard! Summer over Winter, the beach over the mountain. Movies, over the outdoor, heh, I can talk about movies all day. And music, over.. no music. 😁 Of course, can't imagine life without music, I can’t play any music instruments to save my life though.  


Remember kids, you're only young once, but you can be immature forever. And you're never too old to learn new things, trust me, I'm 500 years old. 

Thank you for reading, have a great day/night, 
wash your hands for 20 seconds,
listen to doctor Fauci, 
don't vote for Trump, and 

Maria xo
(October 2020)

Saturday, May 5, 2001

What is Reborning/Reborn Dolls

According to Wikipedia a reborn doll is an art doll created from a manufactured doll or kit that has been transformed by an artist to resemble a human infant with as much realism as possible. The process of creating a reborn doll is referred to as reborning and the doll artists are referred to as reborners. Reborn dolls are also known as lifelike dolls or reborn baby dolls. The art of creating reborn baby dolls began in the early 1990s when doll enthusiasts wanted more realistic dolls. Since then, an industry and community surrounding reborn dolls have emerged. Reborn dolls are primarily purchased online. Depending on craftmanship, they range in price from hundreds to thousands of dollars. These dolls are not toys, they are collector's items. (For more information search Reborn Dolls online).

Reborning Process In A Nutshell
Reborning involves numerous time-consuming steps. The most basic form of the process involves taking a vinyl doll, adding multiple hand-painted layers of paint and adding other physical features to the doll. Artists can pick different brands to best suit the doll they wish to create. Reborn artists can also buy reborn doll kits that are sculpted by reborn sculpt artists. A kit includes the vinyl doll parts. Customers can then purchase a reborn doll by choosing a kit by the sculptor and have it reborned by a reborn artist (name) e.g. Adam by Mary reborned by Ann. Consumers can purchase a wide range of supplies for creating their own reborn. Making a doll from a kit allows artists to omit some steps in the fabrication process and begin with a blank canvas. Many supplies are needed for both external and internal modifications of reborns to make the doll seem more realistic.



the process of planting mohair a couple of strands at a time using a felting needle on the doll's head. This is the most time-consuming part. And to me, the hardest on my hand/wrist, also the hardest, most difficult part, at least to me.

Yearling's coat that's treated to resemble the soft baby hair.

Heat-Set Painting:
painting on vinyl dolls using 'heat-set' paint. There are layers and layers of thin very diluted paint, in between layers the doll is heated (in an oven usually), in low heat for 8 minutes.

What is Lampworking
Lampworking according to Wikipedia is a type of glasswork where a torch or lamp is primarily used to melt the glass. Once in a molten state, the glass is formed by shaping with tools and hand movements. It is also known as Flameworking or Torchworking, as the modern practice no longer uses oil-fueled lamps.

Do You Still Do Lampworking

I am on a long break from Lampworking, due to my living situation and other things. I’m hoping to change that someday soon. And when I do you can buy my beads on Etsy and Ebay.

What Do You Do, Make & Sell At The Moment
I do photography. I generally shoot model’s portfolio, including fitness models. Family and children’s photos. And also I shoot still photos for companies and product photography. For fun, I love everything especially travel photos, and my most favorite is taking pictures of water drops refraction.

I make stock images, affordable premade digital brand identity and prints and started to sell them on Etsy in November 2020

I made a few reborn dolls back when I just started, and sold them on eBay, I was on hiatus for years because of a day job, and traveling. But I'm in production mode at the moment. Due to the long process of creating one doll, I would normally have one new baby doll every month, and the only place I will list them is Ebay. Please check this blog often, or follow my social media to be the first to know when I have new baby doll up for sale.

Because of Covid-19, people started making face masks, so I make them too, cause I have a sewing machine, 😊 I make cute, custom ones, it's gotta be cute, people. And just like everything else I make, most of them are one of a kind. 

I still make beaded jewelry, as of today, still in production mode. And slowly adding the Etsy shops.