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Thursday, May 10, 2001

About Me

💓 My Love, My love and My Love 💖

Hola, mi nombre es Maria. (Bet you were impressed for a second there. That's all the Spanish I know.) I'm an Indonesian living in Canada. I love colors. And light, for without light there will be no photograph. Photoshop goes hand in hand with photography. So I had to learn it a little bit. I taught myself web building/design long ago, I used HTML code. I don't know any other way/programs, way too hard, and no time to learn, but I can look behind the design and change the codes and move it around to mess with you. 😁

I moved to Canada from Indonesia in 2000, in 2001, I found Lampworking, I played with fire and for once I didn't get burned. 😁 Lampworking is a type of glass art, most people know what glass blowing is, it's like that, only with a small torch and teeny fire to create glass beads for jewelry making. I love making cute beads, mostly googly-eyed turtles and a cute one-eyed tri-legged aliens. There are some photos of them in my portfolio page.  I love arts and crafts because we can teach ourselves, in our own time, at our own pace. I'm not good under pressure or having deadlines.

Just like photography/photoshop, lampworking and beaded jewelry making kinda go hand in hand so I do make jewelry too, using lampwork beads (mine and other artist's), I sell my arts and crafts in my second Etsy shop, along with custom made face masks.


My Work Table

In 2009 I stumbled upon the art of Reborning, I blog about the doll process, mostly for myself, because this craft is one of the most challenging to learn, at least for me, but I found that I get better with time and practice, however, since the process is pretty tedious, keeping notes is good also it's interesting to look back and see my progress. And of course, anyone who is interested in this craft can hopefully learn from it. 😊

What else, Uhm.. Preferences. Eating over drinking, baking over cooking, crochet over knitting (hands down!) knitting is hard! Summer over Winter, the beach over the mountain. Movies, over the outdoor, heh, I can talk about movies all day. And music, over.. no music. 😁 Of course, can't imagine life without music, I can’t play any music instruments to save my life though.  


Remember kids, you're only young once, but you can be immature forever. And you're never too old to learn new things, trust me, I'm 500 years old. 

Thank you for reading, have a great day/night, 
wash your hands for 20 seconds,
listen to doctor Fauci, 
don't vote for Trump, and 

Maria xo
(October 2020)

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