Note: This tutorial was made in 2009, I use a better camera and equipment now, maybe I will update it, soon after I'm done with 200 gazillion other things on my list. In the meantime, you just have to use this one, I hope you learn from it, and if you do please comment. Thank you xx ( October 2020)
This is my basic set up. I use 2 soft lights with a diffuser. I got my set from eBay, including the bulbs and umbrella diffusers. Inexpensive, and since I only use it indoors, it handles itself well.

Below is an example of a low budget setup. You can use any tabletop
lamp, bounce the light on a white paper board. Make sure to use daylight
light bulbs. And it’s better to do the shoot near a window in the
daytime to help with lighting.

This is the diagram on the lighting basics. I hope it’s clear enough.
The key is, don’t light the baby directly because it will look shiny and
harsh and not natural. We want the baby to look as natural as possible
as it is in person.

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